Naomi got off the bus today and informed David and I that Adrian (a boy from her class) gave her a card. I asked her why did he give her the card and she said I don't know. The card was very simple. There was a boy and a girl stick figure on the front of the card holding hands. On the inside was a boy and girl stick figure in a field of flowers. The boy was holding a bouquet of flowers (see above). And on the back was a heart. I am glad Naomi is clueless as to why she got the card. But still isn't Kindergarten a little young for my daughter to be receiveing love letters!!!
Tonight at the dinner table my parents were talking about how they wanted to go the Renaissance Festival this Saturday as a family. Naomi perked up and said that Saturday was her day off. And since it was her day off she is free to go to the festival. How cute is that!?!
While putting the girls to bed tonight, Kaylee grabbed their portable nightlight and started telling ghost stories. After I took it away from her for about the 100th time, she decided to make shadows (her word) on the ceiling. She told me that she was the puppet master. Even though I was exasperated and just wanted her to go to sleep, I also thought it was kind of cute. Heavenly Father truly knew what he was doing when he sent her to me. She truly makes me smile even when I have had a bad day.
Have you ever had one of those days?? Today was one of those days for me. I have been fighting getting sick since Sunday. My voice sounds like I swallowed a frog. I would love to take a day and try to recuperate but my dept. chair has said that I have been absent too much hence I have been going into work and croaking to my students as I teach. Today I lectured all day which was not good for my throat. My students were not that cooperative at being quiet for me which made me really sound like a frog by the end of the day. My school computer decided to not like me today. So I spent my entire planning period dealing with computer problems. Yuck. No lesson planning done for me today. Arghh. After school I was still dealing with computer issues. Hence still no lesson planning done. Naomi got off the bus and was extremely emotional and clingy. (She fell at school and scraped her elbow and leg really bad.) After Naomi finished her homework, we headed home. I looked over my stuff for cub scouts and then decided to leave early to pick up some supplies. Naomi was still emotional so I decided to bring her with me. We headed out the door around 5:30 to get the supplies I needed. Traffic was horrendous and I ended up being about 5 minutes late to scouts. Naomi and I had missed dinner so we stopped to get something at the drive-thru on the way home. Naomi spilled her apple juice all over herself. More melt-down ensued. We finally got home and Naomi broke down into tears because she still has trouble remembering her phone number and address and she is the only one in class that has not gotten a sticker for learning them. (Kaylee was still wide awake. She had at least 2 naps today.) Naomi finally finished her meal and off to bed we went. Naomi wanted me to fix her scrapes and more waterworks commenced because the spray hurt she said. While I was tending Naomi, Kaylee spilled water all over their bedroom floor. Finally got Naomi all bandaged up and left for a minute to go to the restroom. Naomi started crying again because she thought people would make fun of her scrapes. And yes, Kaylee was still bouncing off the walls. CALGON PLEASE TAKE ME AWAY!!!! (All I want to do is soak in a hot tub and go to sleep.)
Last night, on Halloween, was our ward trunk-or-treat. Naomi wanted to be a ballerina and Kaylee wanted to be a mermaid. When Arielle (my sister) was little, my mom made her a mermaid costume. My parents still have it somewhere so we thought we would just use that for Kaylee. However, we could not find it yesterday so we decided to have her be a ballerina too. My mom made both girls beautiful fluffy tutus. However, when we woke up Kaylee from her nap to get her dressed for the trunk-or-treat she was in tears. Kaylee did not want to be a ballerina! She wanted to be a mermaid! So my wonderful mom flew into action and tried to make a really fast set of mermaid tails. By the time I was ready to go, Kaylee was feeling better about being a ballerina and we headed off to trunk-or-treat. My dad was not home and we had no room for my mom in our car so she stayed home and worked on the tail. When we got to the church, David called my mom to see if she would like for him to go back and pick her up. She said yes and he went back to get her. She furiously finished making the mermaid tail and brought them with her. When she showed up, she gave Kaylee her mermaid tail. Kaylee was ecstatic. However, she still wanted to be a ballerina. We did get one picture of her as a mermaid.
Naomi's elementary school is close to soo many things that she has the opportunity to go on a lot of walking field trips. This past week Naomi's class walked to a Pumpkin Patch that was sponsored by one of the local churches in the area. Naomi's class was walking during my conference time so I went over and was one of the chaperone's. We walked a couple blocks to the pumpkin patch. While we were there at the pumpkin patch, a helper read a couple Halloween stories. Then the kids got to walk around the pumpkin patch a little bit before heading back to school. Naomi and I really enjoyed ourselves. I am grateful that Naomi's school is so close to mine and I had the opportunity to share this experience with her.
This past week, Kaylee has had a runny nose. Kaylee was in the bathroom with me and she said, "Mommy, I need to get the stuff out of my nose." and then proceeded to pick her nose. I have been trying to get her to blow her nose with a tissue. But at this stage all little kids pick their nose more often than use a tissue. However this is not the gross part, the gross part came next. In a various serious tone Kaylee informed me, "Sometimes, you just have to eat it." And she went ahead and ate it. I tried to tell her that her nose contains germs and she should not be eating her boogers. Kaylee then informed me that germs are found on the bathroom floor not in her nose and it was okay to eat her boogers. Yuck. I kept trying to tell her that there were germs in her nose. But alas, she has not grasped that concept yet. Oh well, she is a work in progress.